Digital access is the ability to fully participate in digital society. This includes access to tools and technologies, such as the Internet and computers, that allow for full participation.
Mores determine what is considered moral and ethical behavior, which makes them more strict than folkways. One difference between a more and a folkway is the following: Mores may carry serious consequences if violated; folkways do not. Folkways on the other hand are norms for routine or casual interaction.
Option A
All were focused on republicanism and social uniformity.
- They spread broadly the goals of progressivism, republicanism, the topple of nobilities, lords and built up temples.
- They stressed the widespread standards of the Enlightenment, for example, the uniformity everything being equal, including equivalent equity under law by uninvolved courts rather than specific equity passed on at the impulse of a neighborhood honorable.
- They demonstrated that the cutting edge thought of insurgency, of beginning crisp with a profoundly new government, could really work by and by. Progressive mindsets were conceived and keep on thriving to the present day
Southeast Asia can be studied by dividing up the realm into two geographic regions: the mainland and the insular region. The mainland borders China and India and has extensive river systems. The insular region is made up of islands and peninsulas between Asia and Australia, often with mountainous interiors.