The simple subject is hours, because the simple subject of a sentence is typically only one word and is the simplest form of who is doing the verb. The complete subject would be "Twelve hours" because it includes all adjectives.
What makes them similar is that that both Charrington and O'Brien seem to be on Winston's side, i.e. against the Party. Another similarity is that they both end up betraying him, essentially they deceived him by hiding their true intentions from him. Charrington uses a literal disguise, while O'Brien was just pretending to be something he is not.
You can define mood in literature as C. attitude or perspective conveyed to the reader by the author. Is the author who sets the mood in a piece of literature, not the reader who defines it. The reader can notice it in a conscious level or maybe just as a feeling. Literature evokes different emotions in the readers, but have in mind that if it does this is because the writer aimed for that, literature does nt to id by itself
The main theme of "The Road Not Taken" is that life is full of choices which will define our destinies. The speaker spends a while deliberating when he comes to a fork in the road, which symbolizes a choice he must make in his life.