Prepositional phrase.
A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and usually ends with a noun or pronoun, called the object or the preposition. functions as an adjective when it modifies a noun or pronoun. It functions as an adverb when it modifies a verb, adjective, or an adverb.
a teddy bear symbolizing stuffed animal
This is because it's literal instead of being symbolic of something.
Biblical Allusion [bib-li-kuh l uh-loo-zhuh n ]: a reference within a literary work to a story, idea, or event that is related in the Bible or other biblical writings
autobiographies <u><em>are written in a first person point of view </em></u>
which means<em> </em><u><em>the narrator is the writer of the story</em></u> and also that it was written from years ahead so your answer is " the events are usually written from a distance in time" D
The punctuation mark that is not used internally in a sentence is a period (.). Periods are only used when ending a sentence therefore, it should only put at the end. Periods signal that the sentence has already ended and no continuation needed.