dear cannibal
i think what you doing is very wrong and is hurtful to others! please stop this madness at once instead have joy in your life with other not the other way around...
drogi kanibale
myślę, że to, co robisz, jest bardzo złe i szkodzi innym! proszę natychmiast powstrzymajcie to szaleństwo, zamiast tego miejcie radość w życiu z innymi, a nie na odwrót ...
If its just saying what it sounds like it will be this: markus: hal artdyt 'aflam alharakat? 'iifa: farigh 'ahbabt 'aflam alharakat?
But if you want the symbols for arabic, too. Its this: ماركوس: هل ارتديتِ أفلام الحركة؟ إيفا: فارغ أحببت أفلام الحركة؟
The correct answer is I received set of gifts of personalized stationery.
Stationery is termed as a mass noun which refers to manufactured writing materials which are commercial. For example, writing implements, envelopes and cut paper.
We can say that stationery are material which can be written by hand or even by use of an equipment. For example printers and computers.
Stationery can be used in embossing, printing, and in engraving.
Is there a book or something