(1) Statement (2) Question (3) Exclamation
Question '?'
Hope that helps
Carter's van needs to be washed.
The statement can be rewritten using punctuation mark 'apostrophe'. It is a non restrictive element, used for following purposes :
- Marking omission of one or more letters (eg : do not to - don't)
- Marking possessive case of noun's (eg : Ram's book)
- Making plurals of individual characters (eg : x's , y's)
In this case : it has been used for - marking possessive case of noun.
Van of Carter i.e <u>Carter's</u> van needs to be washed
C)Allusion is an indirect reference to someone or something from literature or history.
Allusion is a direct or indirect reference to a person, event, or thing or to a part of another text from literature or history. Allusions are used by writers based on the assumption that the reader would understand what the writer is talking about.
An example of an Allusion is "France is as beautiful as the garden of Eden". The garden of Eden is a biblical allusion found in the bible in the book of Genesis.
The best statement that explains the development of Madame Defarge is Madame Defarge takes action and leads a group of women revolutionaries.
a calling you would like to pursue (example) become a lawyer
1. Acquire Undergraduate Degree
2. Write and Pass Law School Admission Test and earn law degree
3. Pass bar exam