The American Revolution influenced the French Revolution, because it showed the French people that kings could be overthrown.
Before the American Rev., the French were loyal to their rulers. Some rallied, and when a king was overthrown, most french realized it could happen in France, too.
The Christian church's first martyr was Stephen.
Document the findings Intermittent bubbling is normal. It indicates that the system is accomplishing one of its purposes, removing air from the pleural space.
Observe whether the water-seal chamber occasionally bubbles. This bubbling happens regularly when the system is sucking the air out of the pleural cavity. Take a deep breath or ask the patient to cough if bubbling isn't immediately noticeable when breathing quietly.
A customer with a chest tube has the drainage system checked by the nurse. The nurse observes the water seal chamber occasionally bubble. The following nursing interventions are the most suitable: First, look for air leaks. 2. Write up the results. 3. Inform the medical professional. 4. Modify the drainage system for the chest tube.
Learn more about the Chest Tube Drainage system here:
Emotions-based social relationship.
An emotions-based relationship, as its name suggests, is that of which an individual or both of them have deep positive emotional conections which makes the emotion the greatest value of said relationship. As Kathy grew up, she started to tend to those relationship that provoked positive emotions in her, rather than value others due to proximity, like a coworker.