Earliest- gametophyte dominance, sporophyte dependence
Middle- sporophyte dominance, gametophyte independence
Recent- sporophyte dominance, gametophyte dependence
The life cycle of plant alternates between the two phases: the haploid gametophyte which produces gametes and the diploid sporophyte which produces spores. The evolution of land plants shows how these are dependent on each other in terms of the requirement of nutrition.
In bryophytes, the gametophyte is the dominant phase on which the sporophyte depended. Later in pteridophytes, the sporophyte became dominant which is present in the later evolved groups namely the gymnosperms and the angiosperms. The gametophyte was independent on the sporophyte but in angiosperms and gymnosperms, it is dependent.
Recent studies have examined the possibility that variation in species richness within communities may influence productivity leading to an exploration of the relative effect of alterations in species number per se as contrasted to the addition of productive species.
hope this helps
have a great day/night
Answer: Birds pick up oil on their beaks, by rubbing against the uropygial or preen gland near the tail, and then rub it over their feathers. This makes the water unable to break through the oil.
Explanation: Hope this helps have a great day :)
Answer No 2:
c c
C Cc Cc
c cc cc
The genotype of the offsprings would be Cc, Cc, cc, cc i.e heterozygous cleft chin and no cleft chin. The phenotype of the offsprings could be 50% cleft chin and 50% without cleft chin.
there will be 50% chance of the child to have cleft chin.
Answer No 3:
A a
A Aa Aa
a Aa aa
There will be 25% chance for the offspring to have arched feet. As arched feet is a recessive trait, so for this trait to occur both the alleles of the gene should be recessive i.e aa.
Answer No 4:
B b
b Bb bb
b Bb bb
As blonde is a recessive trait, so both the alleles for this gene should be recessive for this trait to occur. Hence, according to the punnet square, there will be 50% chance for the offspring to be blonde.
Answer No 5:
F f
f Ff ff
As normal vision is a resessive trait, hence both the alleles of the gene should be recessive for the trait to occur. According to the punnet square, there is 25% chance that the child will have normal vision.