1) Your answer is C: It's Midday
2)I believe your answer is D: It's Half Past Twelve
3)Your Answer is D: It's one in the afternoon
Hope I Helped :)
1. nunca
2. algún
3. nadie
4. ni siquiera
Your answers 1 to 3 are ok.
Answer 4 is wrong.
The difference between "tampoco" and "ni siquiera" is that "tampoco" requires a precedent, that is, before say it you must have said "no".
A: ¿Te gusta el cine?
B: No.
A: A mí tampoco.
"Ni siquiera" it is used to express the denial of a "minimum" within more than one possibility.
"No hay ni siquiera un gato aquí" ("There is not even a dog here") implies one of the following possibilities (or another), depending on the context:
a) They were looking for cats and were disappointed because they didn't find one.
b) They were looking for an animal and were disappointed because they didn't find a cat, which would be the easiest to find.
A. el padre de mi madre mi abuelo
b. la hija de mi madre mi hermana
c. el hermano de mi padre mi tío
d. el hijo de mi tia mi primo
e. el hijo de mi hija mi nieto
1- hablo 2- come, bebe 3- yo te lo doy 4- me levante, me duche, me vesti 5- recibi 6- abuela 7- ella lleva un vestido de... 8- gastaste 9- ella no podra cantar 10- diras