Bethel African Methodist Church always stood for the civil rights of all individual and so it protested against the American Colonization Society (ACS) as they were trying to curb the rights of the blacks.
Richard Allen who happened to be a slave founded Bethel African Methodist Church in Pennsylvania in 1794. The American Colonization Society (ACS) was founded in 1816 and was much criticised by the Bethel African Methodist Church .
ACS member believed that independent black slaves should be returned to Africa and should not be allowed integration with their society as the educated mass of blacks were a threat to slavery institution followed by the whites.
The corona virus has effected EVERYONE. It came out of nowhere and has no vaccine. We are told to stay home and quarantine but some people don’t get the point.
Healthcare workers are put in risk everyday. Yet they still manage to go to work and help us everyday. Police officers, doctors, nurses, essential workers deserve so much more. We as a community need to stay home in order to overcome this.
It’s not going to be an easy ride to normality. We as people need to social distance and leave our houses only when necessary. I hope you and your family stay safe.
Figurative is something that shouldn't be taking literally. For example, when you say "I have a ton of homework" you don't really mean you have 2000 pounds of homework.