Je ne connais pas trop le francais mais (je l accorderez) semble juste
Besides the fact that "visiter" is in the infinitive form, the principal difference is that "visiter" typically applies to a location that you might visit, whereas "rendre visite à" applies to a person or group of people that you might visit.
visiter = visit a location
rendre visite à = pay a visit to
Exemple (cas 1er): Tu me fais visiter la maison? / J'ai trop hâte de visiter le Louvre.
(You will show me around the house? / I so look forward to visiting the Louvre)
Exemple (cas 2d): Je dois rendre visite à mes grands-parents
(I have to pay a visit to my grandparents)
Hope this helps :)
My old house is not very big. We three garages in our house. My sisters always have a lot of posters on the walls of their rooms. We three times in the same year. My parents often have a room for college students. One day my brother from the balcony. Papa my grandfather's old armchair. Suddenly I / I have a noise in the basement. When I was thirteen, I / I in a beautiful neighborhood in Chicago. My neighbors don't have my cat.
Salut !
Où est-ce qu'ils ont visité les monuments ?
<em>EXEMPLE :</em>
C'est à Paris qu'ils ont visité les monuments.