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I don't see any underlined words in the sentence. However, I'll just post my answer based on my understanding.
Where there is water ⇒ subordinate clause
There are mosquitoes ⇒ independent clause
Independent clause is a complete sentence. It has a subject, a verb, and expresses a complete thought.
Subordinate clause is a dependent clause that starts with a conjunction. It also has a subject and a verb but it is dependent on the main clause.
This is most evidently a metaphor. The thing to keep in mind when analyzing literature/poetry is that if you see figurative language making comparisons/drawing parallels between two differing things--instances where the meaning is not literal such as how injustice is not really a fire and has no flames--it's a safe bet you'll have on your hands a metaphor.
Second person is a point of view (how a story is told) where the narrator tells the story to another character using the word 'you. ' The author could be talking to the audience, which we could tell by the use of 'you,' 'you're,' and 'your.
Answer: Some potential traits of an offspring of two heterozygous parents with traits for brown hair, B, and blonde hair, b, include brown and blond. Since both parents are heterozygous, the genetic traits would be Bb and Bb. Also since the B (brown) is the dominant trait, the likelihood of a brown-haired offspring is three-fourths more likely than a blonde offspring. All the genetic possibilities are BB (brown), Bb (brown because of the dominant trait), Bb (brown), and bb (blonde).