Let us choose Extra study. Knowing that opportunity cost is related to the opportunities lost by choosing one specific course of events than others. By choosing an extra study and spend hours studying something, my opportunity cost will be the school sports practice hours that could be spent in this time. Another opportunity cost would be the social interaction, in a club, for example, lost because of the extra study decision.
All of them actually, sorry if this is late;
I took it on Edge my guy
-A: Inaccurate. Napoleon entered Italy in 1796 closer to the coast than the Alps. However, the mountains could be said to have protected his northern flank.
-B: True in 1940 against Germany in the Operation Sealion, But False in 1066 in the Invasion By William the Conquerer in the Battle of Hastings.
-C: Almost True. Corsica is in the Mediterranean Sea but isn't Small. it have a land area of about 8500 square kilometers and is the fourth largest
-D: Wrong. The objective was to return boundaries to the situation that existed before the Napoleonic Wars.
-E: Almost True, but don't forget Gibraltar
According to the amendment, the federal government has only those powers specified by the Constitution. These powers include the ability to declare war, collect taxes, control interstate commerce, and others specified in the articles.