Nationalism, like nation, is very hard to define clearly and unequivocally. The contention that nationalism is what nationalists make of it is, in fact, an evasion.
William won the election of 1896 by manipulating votes. He had given a free tax of 2$ to everyone who'd vote for him and made his way into victory through cheating. He was caught in 3 years after the voting and immediately thrown off the parliament.
A similar case like this happened around 1800s where the MNET company had manipulated charts and prevented popular musical groups such as "Red Velvet" from getting their 7th win.
Vous êtes les bienvenus, stream umpah umpah. revoir.
The delegates met so they could discuss the issues with the continuous war of 1812.
The development of new ways of telling social reality, and writers sought connections between their work and the social environment and context in which their lives were spent. It was mostly through stories and novels that literary productions were embodied.