Huh ? Is that a question ?
Conforming to Confucian thinking and mentality, the feudal Japanese society was a strictly hierarchical one.
At the top stood the Emperor. He was seen as a divine being, but he was a figure with no real power.
The Shogun, the commander-in-chief of the army, had the real power, he was the most powerful man in Japan.
Under shogun´s control, there were the daimyos or top feudal lords, powerful landlords, heads of clans.
Regading the other members of society, there were four classes:
warriors (samurais), artisans, farmers and merchants.
If the national debt continues its trend of the past decade, people will be most likely to see an increase in their tax rates. In order to compensate for the cost of the rising national debt, the government will likely be forced to raise federal income and sales tax in order to generate the needed additional revenue.