Wow, I mean you aren't wrong or anything but WOW
I unfortunately don't know much about architect scales. I tried to do research online, but I found no distinction between any of these scales. My best guess would either be a half or standard scale.
I believe you i trust people if they say who they say they are i believe them.
This is quoted from Tadziu Johnson's quora account. All credit goes to him. "MCs are people who get the crowd moving, who entice the audience; whereas rappers are interested in the poetry (as it pertains to being iterated) only."
The Greek/Latin affix auto- means self or the same.
- Autobiography: a biography that the author writes about themselves.
- Autonomy: self-governing; the right/power for self-government. In Greek, nomos means law - therefore, it is the power to make our own laws.
- Autocracy: a state or society where one person has the unlimited governing power. In Greek, kratein means ruling.
- Autograph: one's own signature. (Graphein - to write.)
- Autodidact: a self-taught person. (Didaskein - to teach.)