im sorry i need to do this
also economics. dance, science, and self expression
The black death was one of the most devastating disease outbreak in the history of human race. The black death resulted in a lot of crises including religious, social and economic upheavals. Although the disease affected all the people in Europe, at a time the Jews were blamed for the ravages caused by the disease outbreak. The Jews were thought to be responsible for the disease, therefore, other people started killing the Jews who live in their communities and this lasted all through the time of the disease out break.
Cabeza de Vaca method of treatment to heal the sick and injured indians who were brought to him was laying-on of hands and fervent praying.
By doing this, Cabeza de Vaca received food in return for treating the ill and injured Indians throughout his mercantile career. His method of treatment included blowing his breath on affected areas of bodies and laying on of his hands, to which the Indians responded positively.
Cabeza de Vaca also practiced surgery according to one historic operation in 1535, where he removed an arrowhead from deep in an Indian's chest (sagittectomy).