“Spring is like a perhaps hand” uses personification and simile. Simile
compares two things with the use of “like” or “as”; while personification gives
human attributes to inanimate objects. In poem's title the simile can be
expressed as "spring is like a hand;" while the personification is giving spring
a “hand” which is a part of the human body that is able to move or arrange things.
The second morning of the vigil, August discovers a suicide
note out nearby where they found May's body. May penned that August and June
should not be miserable, but in its place be happy that May is with her parents,
sibling, and grandmother. Even though she was exhausted of carrying the blues
of the world, it was her stage to pass away but their time to live. August
tells June she need to marry Neil and stop being scared to take a risk.
She set the table to get ready for lunch after lunch she went to lie or lay down for a nap