African art has as its main influence religion, functionalism and utilitarianism. Depending on the region, one of these influences may be stronger than the other, sub-Saharan Africa, for example, the art that is most influenced by religion, probably because of the social and economic difficulties they face, which make artists connect more with religion as a way of supporting national problems. The areas where these problems are not so prominent, usually have greater influences on utilitarianism and functionalism, probably because artists have more access to concepts, techniques and information.
African societies place a lot of importance on art because it is a way of externalizing feelings and promoting criticism. This is very strong in this region that was so scrapped and exploited by other nations that it caused problems that can still be seen today in these societies.
Musicals emerged primarily from the European Operetta which is a lighter version of the popular opera.
The operetta is a drama-musical production that is almost like the opera structurally. But the difference is that the plot is usually full of romance dramas alongside with music.
A lot of dance scenes and dialogues are also incorporated in them. One big difference was that the operettas were usually shorter than the operas.
hope this help !
Firstly, it meant a great expansion of British territorial claims in the New World. But the cost of the war had greatly enlarged Britain's debt. ... The war had an equally profound but very different effect on the American colonists. First of all, the colonists had learned to unite against a common foe.Seven of the colonies made an effort in 1754 to devise a plan of closer association. Their governors met at Albany to agree upon a treaty with the Iroquois. Benjamin Franklin, who was present, offered a scheme of colonial union which, if adopted, might have prevented or delayed the American Revolution. It called for a congress with power to negotiate with the Indians, control the public lands, maintain military forces, and collect taxes for common objects.
The ability to elect officials, who could veto laws, harmful to plebeians.