It gave them the confidence to fight for their rights knowing the British would win the war if they didn't help.
Hayes in 1876 and Benjamin Harrison in 1888—became president without winning the popular vote. In the 1824 election between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, Jackson won the popular vote but neither won a majority of Electoral College votes.
Some observers have suggested that the U.S. actually lost more than two dozen battles during Vietnam. But the 10 historians we contacted agreed that most, and possibly all, of the major battles were won by the U.S.
The valleys and majestic hills
During the late Middle Ages, from the 10th to the 16th centuries, kings<span> and lords lived in castles. As well as the lord, the </span>lady<span> (his wife), and their family there were lots of staff. Some were important officials, such as the constable who took care of the castle when the lord was away.</span>