im pretty sure it is jesuses
srry 4 my spelling.
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Alfred Thayer Mahan was a naval officer and historian of the United States. His book "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1773" was not only widely recognized in the United States but also in Europe. He stresses the role of naval supremacy in the national growth. The commercial activities during the peacetime and fighting capacity during war made naval forces an important factor in national greatness.
Enslaved workers were considered to be property, not people.
As you can see in the second sentence, in the eyes of the law, he was not a man but a thing.
They were also a subject to a narrow minded and a tryannical master.
Yalta: discuss Europe's postwar reorganization
Potsdam: agreement between US, USSR, and Britain, for military occupation and reconstruction of Germany
Might create more tensions between allies