If an object has a net force acting on it, it will accelerate. The object will speed up, slow down or change direction. An unbalanced force<span> (net force) acting on an object changes its speed and/or direction of motion. An unbalanced force is an unopposed force that causes a change in motion. A net force = unbalanced force. </span><span>If however, the forces are balanced (in equilibrium) and there is no net force, the object will not accelerate and the velocity will remain constant. the source i found this answer is, https://www.mansfieldct.org/Schools/MMS/staff/hand/lawsunbalancedforce.htm
and the author of the source is , Mr. Hand</span>
The answer is Oak Tree ---> leaf ---> Guard Cell ---> Chloroplast because guard cells are are specialized cells in the epidermis of leaves which means leaves are more complex and Chloroplasts are less complex than guard cells.
The <u>pituitary</u> gland controls water balance, growth and blood pressure.
The pituitary gland is also called hypophysis, and is a small gland located in the skull that is responsible for secreting hormones and coordinating the activity of other glands.
Hypophysis is usually divided into two portions, adenohypophysis or anterior lobe and neurohypophysis in posterior lobe. Among other functions, the pituitary gland is in charge of
- Water balance and blood pressure, through the antidiuretic hormone or ADH secreted by the neuro-pituitary.
- Growth, through the secretion of growth hormone or GH, secreted by the somatotropic cells of the adenohypophysis.
This gland is also responsible for the secretion of oxytocin and other hormones in charge of regulating endocrine glandular activity.
Regarding the other options:
- <u><em>Thymus</em></u><em> is a gland present in children and related to immune function.
- <u><em>Thyroid</em></u><em> is responsible for secreting hormones that control basal metabolism.
- <u><em>Pancreas</em></u><em> has exocrine and endocrine function, producing digestive enzymes and insulin and glucagon, respectively.
Particles in solid are close together.
Ia tidak mempunyai badan fizikal.
Jisim udara tidak diukur oleh keseimbangan tuas atau keseimbangan berat yang lain kerana mustahil untuk mengukur jisim udara. Hanya dua sifat udara yang dapat diukur seperti kadar aliran dan tekanan. Imbangan tuas mengukur berat bahan-bahan yang mempunyai badan fizikal sehingga sebab itu jisim udara tidak dapat diukur kerana tidak mempunyai badan fizikal. Udara mempunyai jisim tetapi tidak mempunyai badan fizikal sehingga mustahil untuk mengukur beratnya.