Option A: print("The total is %0.5f" % total)
To ensure the value is rounded to a precision of 5 digits, we have to create a formatted string which is %0.5f. The <em>.5</em> denotes five decimal places and <em>f </em>refers to float data type.
Next, we use the <em>%</em> operator again and followed with the variable <em>total</em>. The % is used as a string modulo operator that will interpolate the value held by the the variable <em>total </em>in the formatted string that we create previously. The interpolated value will be rounded to 5 decimal places. For example, if
total = 256.786789
The output will be 256.78679
It's your wish become other professions like doctor, engineer are also good. But in this profession you can make apps, websites and can do hacking. Which is are cool things to do. But every profession is best at it's profession.
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Geotracking feature needs to be adjusted.