Sad to say, the warning time that the residents of Sumatra had before the 2004 tsunami hit land was close from little to none. A rough estimation would around 15 - 30 minutes. They say that the primary cause would be that there wasn't any warning systems over the Indian Ocean at that time. Another thing, which is what most people who knew about it would point out as the real problem, is that there was no issuance of a warning in the first place. The quake was detected an hour or so before the tsunami occurred in the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre located in Ewo, Hawaii. At that moment, the information was relayed to Australia and to the rest of the world. The question wasn't why the Centre didn't issue a warning, but why the whole world network of information didn't issue one. They say that other sophisticated data were available at that time and almost immediately since the tsunami was active.
Fishing I write the answer
According to the most widely accepted theory of the formation of the Moon,The Moon formed when a Mars-sized object collided with the Earth about 4.5 billion years ago('Giant Impact Theory').Consistent with the collision theory,the composition of the Moon is very similar to the Earth's mantle.
A sediment deposit close to the continental rise having a coarse material overlaid by successively finer materials of non marine origin is called a turbidite.
Turbidity current is the movement of sediment laden water . It is caused by the high density nature of sediments . The current is prevalent in oceans and lakes and it one process that transport sediments from coastal areas to deep sea.
The sediments in the current makes the flow denser and very rapid. The rapid nature of the movement of this sediment laden water causes a kind of selective deposition in deep sea. The more coarse sediments are deposited before less coarse sediments. The sediments deposited fines upward. The coarsest sediments are found at the bottom and it fine upward.
Turbidites are sediments deposited by turbidity currents which gradually change from coarse grain to fine grain sediments. The continental rise is the boundary between continents and the deep part of the oceans. This area is usually laden with sediment deposited by turbidity current. The sediments laden water moves downhill.