Wilmer proviso would be the answer if that question
The civil war.
This is the war that was caused in part by the conflict over slavery.
One legend says that long ago in Greece, a blind poet, Homer, wandered from city to city and earned his living by reciting poems, including the Iliad and the Odyssey, two great epics
Yet these epics are as fresh and alive today as when they were first chanted to the youths and maidens of that forgotten Grecian city."
Studies of the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing of April 19th, 1995, indicate that the traumatic event resulted in people seeking to strengthen their bonds with loved ones: Divorce rates went down, and birth rates went up. While tragic, the Oklahoma City bombing provided a fortuitous case study. The attack not only caused death and destruction but created a storm of media coverage covering this “attack on the heartland.” A secondary theme portrayed America's “lost innocence.” The fact that the attack was an act of domestic terrorism took the country by surprise.