The dust bowl and caused by dieing plants and pestisides
Industrialization is the main cause of urbanization in America, and one of reasons for America no longer being a farm dependent economy. Industrialization is also a reason for many technological advances and introduced the American economy of being able to own businesses and factories for profit.
A set of laws, passed in the midst of fierce wrangling between groups favoring slavery and groups opposing it, that attempted to give something to both sides. The south gained by the strengthening of the fugitive slave law, the north gained a new free state, California. Texas lost territory but was compensated with 10 million dollars to pay for its debt. Slave trade was prohibited in Washington DC, but slavery was not.
The Native Americans
The belief that the Native Americans were uncivilized savages is a myth. The reason for Europeans to call them uncivilized is their culture and religion which is unknown to Christians. The Native Americans have their religion and custom which is associated with nature and spirits. The Natives have a great understanding of cosmology and built an irrigation system and buildings. Being declared as uncivilized savages is a stereotype that has been followed for many years. They were exploited by inaccurate depiction with no interest in honouring a peaceful gathering.