This boycott was the first-ever mass-action during the civil rights era and it inspired Blacks to come together and fight against racial segregation.
The Montgomery bus boycott was a boycott led by Dr Martin L. King following the arrest of Rosa Parks on 1st December 1955. The boycott began when Rosa Park denied giving her bus seat to a white passenger and the black people of the city refused to ride the city buses for whites.
The Montgomery Bus Boycott was began by the arrest of Rosa Park. Blacks launched the protest against the policy of racial segregation adopted by the bus system organization. The Montgomery bus boycott triggered the national civil rights movement in the United States. This boycott was the first-ever mass-action during the civil rights era and inspired other civil rights activists throughout the nation. After a period of 11 months, the United States' Supreme Court ruled the policy of segregation to be illegal.
Paul wrote First and Second Corinthians while ministering at Ephesus
Letters of Paul or the epistles of Paul are the set of 13 books of New Testament that are attributed to Saint Paul also named as Paul the Apostle and Sosthenes, the co-author.
The 1 Corinthians 5:9 is "I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral persons."
It was while staying in Ephesus, Paul composed both the First and Second Corinthians from his second year at Ephesus.
Lying on the coasts of Ionia, Ephesus is one of the ancient Greek city which was built in 10th century BC.
They feared a strong federal government
A strong federal government according to these delegates would exercise absolutism and dictatorship. One of the delegates who did not attend the conference were the Rhodesians.
Are there any options for this? The answer should be "events that have not occurred" hope that helps
The Cold War really began before WW II as the US and Russia had 2 very opposing views of government and didn't trust each other. However, during the war, the two countries had to put their differences aside to beat Nazi Germany. Towards the end of the war, it was evident that heat was building up between the two countries again. The Soviets were taking liberties in areas that suggested they were not only interested in winning the war but taking land also. They insisted they control Berlin at the end of the war, wanted Manchuria for their own and not to give back to China, insisted they be in charge of Postwar Japan operations (MacArthur said absolutely not) and were really upset that the US had the power to use a nuclear bomb that they didn't even know existed. The Soviets were also aggressive after the war in areas such as Korea and Viet Nam with "support".