Climate Change
Invasive Species
Seventy percent of the Earth's plant and animals dwell in forests, and deforestation affects them directly. Once their habitat is lost, they are on their way to extinction.
Climate change also causes extinctions not only as a result of species intolerance to high temperature, but more commonly via a variety of related factors that alter a species’ interactions with other species.
Invasive species invade foreign territory. They use resources that the other species depend on. Then naturally one of the species will die off.
A biogeochemical cycle is one of several natural cycles, in which conserved matter moves through the biotic and abiotic parts of an ecosystem. ... Each of these elements is circulated through the biotic components, which are the living parts of an ecosystem, and the abiotic components, which are the non-living parts.
Ticks, flies, mosquitoes, and fleas.
Answer: a. True
The main aim of the IRB is to safeguard the right of the human subjects used for the purpose of research conducted by the governmental authority. It also emphasizes over the protection of the researchers from illegal complaints. The risks to the human subjects can be minimized by using procedures which cause no harm to them and a detail consent of the research practice should be taken from these subjects by informing the purpose of research.