you know the meaning of BTS biot
biot talaga hahahaha
Forest fires are a natural and necessary part of the ecosystem. Even healthy forests contain dead trees and decaying plant matter; when a fire turns them to ashes, nutrients return to the soil instead of remaining captive in old vegetation. Fires are a great way of clearing out the clutter. They can break down nutrients and minerals in burning plants and other debris such as old logs, leaves and dense undergrowth and restore them to the soil, thus making for a more fertile area.
The Duck will sit silently on the Kangaroo, cover her wet webbed feet with woolen socks, and be on her best behavior, doing nothing but "Quack".
In the story of the Duck and the Kangaroo, a bored Duck wanted to explore the world outside of the pond where she lives. So, she made a request to a Kangaroo to carry her on his back while he hops to different parts.
Although agreeing to the Duck's plan, the Kangaroo had one objection- the Duck's wet, cold feet might affect his joints. So, the duck got woolen socks to cover her wet webbed feet, smoke cigars to keep herself warm, and also use a cloak. Moreover, she also promised to sit quietly on his back and do nothing but "Quack" so that the Kangaroo will feel comfortable.
Tom Sawyer<span> convinces him to return to the Widow's house,he complains about having to wear new clothes and eat only when the dinner bell rings, something that he was not used to while growing up with his </span>Pap. Widow Douglas tried to force Huck to wear new clothes, give up smoking, and learn the Bible.While <span>Miss Watson tries to teach him spelling and lectures him on how to behave well so that he will be welcomed into heaven. </span>
B because mountains are y’all and it had a vivid appearance