It refers to the tonic sylable (silaba tónica)
sol (sun) Its a word "aguda"
ra-tón (mouse) Its a word "llana" or "grave"
Mé-xi-co Its a word "esdrújula"
cán-ta-me-lo (sing it to me) its a word "sobredrújula"
Hope this helps u :)
- The tall man -> El hombre alto
- A blonde girl -> Una niña rubia
- The old computers -> Las computadores viejas/antiguas [in Spain they would say Los ordenadores viejos/antiguos, ordenador = computador/a}
- Some interesting books -> Unos libros interesantes
- The ugly backpack -> La mochila fea
- A big notebook -> Un cuaderno grande or Un gran cuaderno (it's the same thing, but the from of the adjective changes depending if it's before or after the noun)
- A funny friend -> Un amigo gracioso
- The nice teacher -> La maestra amable/simpática (it can be translated into Spanish in different ways, depending on what you want to say specifically).
- The boring homework -> La tarea aburrida
- Some adventurous students -> Unos estudiantes intrépidos (you could say "atrevidos" but that can mean another thing, in Spanish "atrevido" can <em>sometimes</em> mean "insolent", "intrépido" is always positive.)
Native speaker over here. I hope that's helpful.
Answer: No, <u><em>lo</em></u><em> </em><u><em>compró</em></u> en una tienda.
► Did Juan buy the ######## at the jewelry store?
► No, he bought it at a shop.
"#####" = "inappropriate words. "