16: Yo cuento, tú cuentas, él cuenta, nosotros contamos, ellos cuentan.
17: Yo cuesto, tú cuestas, él cuesta, nosotros costamos, ellos cuestan.
18: Yo encuentro, tú encuentras, él encuentra, nosotros encontramos, ellos encuentran.
For more help, add me on discord: ! FuXiiOn#6677
ah, be, bay, ce, say, & che
Architect, Electrician, Construction Crew
The Architect would carefully listen to the buyers dream home and plan blueprints accordingly.
The Electrician will run wires, and electric/ heat throughout the house and prevent mishaps.
The Construction Crew will build the house itself, careful that each piece is correct and secure.
Feel free to change up your words depending on grade level/ grammar skills!
Because it teaches us critical thinking, studying logical reasoning, and establishing the main differences between theory and its implementation. In short, Philosophy leads us to question the world, to understand it, to establish new objectives, with the purpose of improving it.
Why is Rebekah happy?
Because it's the last day of school.
Because this year has been very difficult.
Because she ended up with her boyfriend.
Because he has good grades.
There you go