The long graveyard is another name for the great wall of china.
Hope this helps you out!:)
The Confederate army lost more generals in combat than the Union did in the entire war.
The most famous general next to General Robert E. Lee, is Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
La Guerra Chichimeca se llevó a cabo principalmente en los actuales estados de Zacatecas, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes, Jalisco y San Luis Potosí entre los indígenas zacatecos y guachichiles contra los españoles y sus aliados indígenas.
Answer: So if you used the balloon experiment her is the answer
We also know that air has mass because the balloon with air was heavier than the balloon without air. So by our definition of matter as something with mass that takes up space, we can see that air is matter!
The natural resources included gold, diamonds, cooper, cobalt, and rubber. These resources were tapped by the native Congo population through a system of slave labor implemented by King Leopold II. This made the Belgian government/economy prosper at the hands of the slave laborers in this country. This brutal regime resulted in the deaths of thousands of Congo citizens.