The prominent issue in the American colonies was taxation without representation, although there were many other issues among those.
Cooley's looking-glass self
Professor Julius bases his self-concept as a professor on the interactions he has with students, and the reactions he receives from them during class. In view of this, Professor Julius is utilizing the " Cooley's looking-glass self" process
Can't answer without the text.
Stress: In psychology, the term "stress" is described as an individual's feeling of physical or emotional tension. Therefore, stress can come from any thought or event that can make an individual feel nervous, frustrated, or angry. Significantly, stress is considered as an individual's bodily reaction towards a specific demand or challenge. However, stress can be "positive" as well, for example, when it helps a person to avoid danger.
Signs: Headaches, problem sleeping, dizziness, etc.
In the question above, the given statement represents the "emotional" component.
This is part of the unfreezing stage
of change. The aim throughout the unfreezing stage is to make an attentiveness
of how the current situation, or current level of satisfactoriness, is delaying
the group in some way. Past behaviors, methods of thinking, procedures, people
and organizational arrangements must all be cautiously inspected to demonstrate
employees how essential a change is for the organization to make or uphold an economical
advantage in the market.