The sugar act of 1764 was the most hated of tax acts I think
The following classes were common in early civilizations:
Rulers, Priests, Merchants, Farmers, Artisans, and Slaves
C. Citizens can be constantly informed about current events and hear from their representatives.
In today´s digital world, we are relentlessly bombarded with news and information of many kinds through the social media - primarily - and the traditional media. Anybody willing to know what is going on just has to turn on or check their cell phone , tablet or computer and find out what´s happening. Besides, government officials and all politicians keep sending messages to the public in matters relevant to them, or just keep expressing their opinions, or reacting to rival party´s statements or actions.
01. nationalism
02. Serbian/Russian (Not Sure)
03. ???
04. Uboats
05. Stalemate