The correct answer is B. Antarctica has a thick ice cover, since it has the highest average elevation of all the continents. I hope this helps.
Without the word spring in the first sentence of this paragraph, how would you know the time of year in which the story takes place? The following options apply:
-Buds on the trees were swelling.
-The association of youth and gladness with the rebirth symbolized by spring.
The swelling buds point to a specific time in the life cycle of trees while the association of youth and gladness as elements of spring, of the rebirth of spring, is quite strong in this paragraph, specially as “youth and gladness” are located clearly on the sky and earth.
The remaining option, “Branches rustled faintly in the fresh breeze”, doesn’t provide a link to spring as strong as the other options.
C. The night was flying by very quickly.
Moths wings flutter very quickly, therefore when the night is compared to a fluttering moth wing, the author is saying the night was flying by very fast.
To answer this, you simply need to scan the chapter and make a list of those you see as you scan. It would be helpful to also write a short description of the character, so you can remember them as you read the novel. If you haven't already read the chapter, this will be hard to do, but it is beneficial. Documenting the page number as you are meeting the character for the first time is also very helpful in keeping them all straight.