Image result for what missouri compromise admitted as a slave state and a free state
In an effort to preserve the balance of power in Congress between slave and free states, the Missouri Compromise was passed in 1820 admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state.
This would be an example of a <u>"cohort effect".</u>
A cohort effect happen when an ordinarily matured gathering of individuals in explore by implication influence results because of their regular age-related impacts. A cohort is a gathering of individuals who share a typical character somehow. A school first year recruit class could be said to be an accomplice. In investigate a cohort impact can be seen when individuals who are around a similar age influence trial results by implication. Individuals who are in a similar age gather were presented to the same authentic social occasions, conventions, social circumstances, and patterns as one another. These make age bunches not quite the same as one another in their uniqueness.
Just because someone has similar backrounds to another person doesnt mean they are bias towards another and says ''LEAST''
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.
Las dos causas que provocan la violencia de género son las siguientes.
1.- Sentido de superioridad.
Esto significa que el hombre tiene la errónea creencia de que es un ser superior a la mujer por el simple hecho de ser físicamente más fuerte. En actitudes extremas esto conlleva al machismo, en el que el hombre trata de manera grosera y algunas veces humillante a la mujer porque la considera inferior.
2.- El conservador papel de la mujer.
Otra causa es la equivocada idea de que la mujer sólo sirve para tener hijos, criarlos y atender las necesidades de la casa. Este equivocado criterio ha imperado por años.
Los hombres que piensan así, no quieren que sus mujeres estudien, trabajen y progresen. Esta es una muestra de inseguridad de los hombres que se sienten presionados y temerosos de sus mujeres puedan ser más exitosas que ellos.
About 5000 years ago, cities, states, and societies began forming around the world. Though they knew little or nothing of humans outside their own regions, these developments happened during the same narrow sliver of cosmic time. Created by World History Project.