extrusive rocks.
When an igneous rock contains large crystals of minerals surrounded by the fine grained or glassy material (set in a matrix of glassy part).The texture is known as Porphyritic texture and the large crystals are known as Phenocrystals and the fine grained or glassy part is called as Ground mass.
When this Porphyritic texture showing igneous rocks are known as Porphyrites. The texture is largely found in volcanic and hypabassal rocks so these rocks are the extrusive rocks.
Carbon dioxide and water vapour concentrations will lead to change in temperatures.
- Most of the common volcanic gases include carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide along with small quantities of volatile compound and elements present such as hydrogen, helium and chloride etc.
- The carbon dioxide and water vapour alter the temperature During the experiment the concentration of carbon dioxide goes up and the temperature goes down. Thus volcanic eruption often leads to global cooling.
It encouraged them to organize the first Women's Rights convention in Seneca Falls New York.
The World's Anti-Slavery Convention was held in London in 1840 and at this convention, women were denied participation at the convention. They were only allowed to view the proceedings from a gallery at one side of the hall. It was there that Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton met each other.
As they went home together, they discussed the obvious exclusion of women from the convention. There and then, they resolved to organize the Women's Rights convention that held in 1848. These two women actively campaigned for women's rights.
Answer: The graph is below.
Its about the same time there and back it takes 25 to 30 days from New York to England and from England to New York