Serfs, likewise might be farmers but might also be craftsmen. The difference between the two was that the peasant owned his own land, while the serf did not. The serf owed labor duties to his lord, whereas a peasant owed nothing or, more usually, owed some sort of rent.
According to this part, the three jobs of the three branches are to create new laws and manage old ones for the legislative branch, to oversee cases and decide whether laws are unconstitutional for the judiciary branch, and the executive branch that provides the commander in chief and the President of the United States of America. These are enumerated in the constitution and control each other.
The Ming dynasty, which succeeded the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty (1206–1368), was founded by Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu, who was of humble origins, later assumed the reign title of Hongwu. The Ming became one of the most stable but also one of the most autocratic of all Chinese dynasties.
first one is railroads and other one is roads