The basic issues are:
is development continuous or discontinous stages
does everyone grow up the same or is it based on context
is development determiend by nature vs nurture or plasticity?
Personally, i believe that all of these issues are important to be adressed when we're talking about a certain development, with only one additional issue
That issue would be: Is the development good or bad ?'
Addressing this issue will make us know whther to make an effor to stop the development or just let it be.
U talking bout the anime ??
Answer: The ego integrity vs. despair stage
Explanation: Psychosocial development was developed by
by Erik Erikson in collaboration with Joan Erikson which listed 8 stages of development an individual must pass through from childhood to adulthood.
One of those stages listed is the ego integrity vs. despair stage which usually occurs between the ages of 60 and above where an individual begin to come to terms with life and ask oneself questions that has to do with the integrity of their ego(thoughts of success) or despair(thoughts of failure).
The anti-federalist protected the rights of the constitution and argued with the federalist against the expansion of national power.