This story is not a usual one. It talks about how our views and ideas can be judgmental and hurtful. It puts us (readers) in a point where we start thinking about our own perspectives.
This story has two main components as symbols - belief and honesty. The author wants to describe the entire scene in darkness. He excludes elements that give us 'hope' in our lives.
The woman who the narrator loved deceived him. She portrayed to be a faithful, honest and innocent woman who loved him deeply. This was an impression that everyone had about her including the narrator.
The story starts off with an exclamation of grief, where he yells 'I had loved her madly!'. From this part of the story, he continues to talk and express his love/emotion towards his lover. He continues to suffer in her loss, goes to places where he can relive moments, visits her grave and sits there for hours. He reads the messages on the tombstones where the story ends.
The entire course of story makes us understand that he understand how she deceived him from the beginning till the end.
In the Works Cited page the entries are listed in alphabetical order by the first word in the entry. In the MLA style, the alphabetical order arrangement is done by arranging it according to authors. Where there is no author, the title of the document should be used.
The Works Cited Page gives clear and full publishing details for each of the materials used in the entire work.
B. Noting which details provide essential support to an author’s main idea is an important study skill.
It is kind of like the opposite of your claim, kind of like a counterclaim. Maybe what someone would argue with you claim with. If I said "Cookies are the best dessert because they are sweet", that would be the claim. The rebuttal would be "No it is not, cake is the best because it has frosting".
In the epilogue of Into the Wild, Krakauer describes traveling with Chris's parents to the site of the bus where he died. Billie and Walt have been devastated by their son's death, but they are both glad to see where he lived and died. They take in small reminders of his presence there and leave a plaque in his memory.