Answer: But, as I got older
and started getting game,
the name took on a new meaning.
And even though I wasn't into
all that jazz,
every time I'd score,
or steal a ball,
Dad would jump up
smiling and screamin',
That's my boy out there.
Keep it funky, Filthy!
The resolution to this story is Pony boy decides to write about the Greasers for a school paper. Pony boy looses his innocence and starts to understand that terrible things happen and he cannot control it. In chapter 12 Ponyboy says, ""When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home." (S.E. Hinton) This quote shows that things had become simpler for Ponyboy at the end of this novel.
European nations staked claims on paper while tribes claimed the ground itself, but the border remained a work in progress, an imaginary line, until troops clashed and treaties settled the question.
In 1849, after the Mexican-American War, the United States sent teams of surveyors, soldiers and laborers to mark this new line in the desert, which sounded simple but proved difficult. The teams struggled as the Southwest seethed with conflict.
She should repeat the experiment to see the results.
In the excerpt, the word "pungent" refers to the pickles' aroma.
Pungent is a word to describe a very strong smell, very sharp and biting. So when Untermeyer used the word pungent to refer to the pickles, he was talking about their aroma, which is a fancy way to say smell.