Answer: What 2 sides? Are you talking about the French and Indians if so the answer is <u><em>north america </em></u>
1. Economic competition among industrial nations.
2. Political and military competition, including the creation of a strong naval force.
3. A belief in the racial and cultural superiority of people of Anglo-Saxon descent.
1. American mosques are effective deterrents against violent extremism in their communities.
2. There is no clear, predictable path to radicalization.
3. Religion is one of many identities within a person and rarely the sole motivator for action.
Religious terrorism is a type of religious violence where terrorism is used as a tactic to achieve religious goals or which are influenced by religious identity.
The most common form of terrorist attack in the United States was a bombing/explosion type attack. There were 1,414 such incidents in the United States between 1970 and 2018.
The most popular theory is that poverty causes terrorism. When people are deprived of certain resources and opportunities, poverty can create resentment and cause some to turn to terrorism in order to express their outrage
Under the Florida constitution, Florida voters have the power to recall any state official from his or her position initiate laws and hold referendums on existing laws change the state legislature to a unicameral system amend the state constitution only once per year.