God rejected Saul for both disobediences: (1) offering a burnt offering against God’s commandment, and (2) not completely destroying the Amalekites.
In I Samuel, you can find that God rejected Saul from being king because he offered a burnt offering against God’s commandment. However, later we read that God rejected Saul from being king for not completely destroying the Amalekites.
Electoral College
Who: delegates at the Constitutional Convention
What: A system of voting for president where the populace votes for electors who cast their votes for candidates for president (usually following their party's views or the popular vote). The number of votes per state = number of senators + number of representatives in the House of Representatives.
When: created 1787
Where: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Why: Because, in the founders' eyes, the average the average citizen wasn't smart or well versed enough in politics to actually choose their own president.
Significance: This is the system that is still used today to pick the president.
It’s False because that woulda increase the amount of trading