I don't think it's justified.
The southern states had as many chances as the north and northeast states in creating the industrialized urban areas, especially doring the reconstruction period.
But they chose to stay witht heir old ideology and resist the change. and each years the economic gap between the states becoming larger and larger.
They had stronger armies in the sense that the brush had more advanced use of technology. British colonies were sending raw materials at a cheaper rates.
Containing Communism
The US and the west wanted very few communist nations, and especially no new ones. The fear was that if the communist north took the south, that this would spread to Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Burma, and even to India and Australia, at which point it could pose a serious threat to America
Leading European democracies in addition to the US were challenged by crippled economies and devastated landscapes from World War I. Governments were wanting a return to more isolation and policies which favored their own countries. In the case of Germany, they were struggling to reestablish nationalism and were unable to defend themselves as a country. As a result many people in those countries turned to alternate forms of economy and government to create solid nations once again. All countries saw a rise in socialist thinking and some countries began to move toward socialist ideology. In others especially, Italy and Germany a move toward fascism took place which put nationalism at the forefront and a build up of capitalism to secure their economic place in the world.
The definition of a proxy war is a war started by two or more world powers, but those powerful countries do not get directly involved. The Korean War and The Vietnam War were two wars during the Cold War where the Soviet Union supported a communist government and the United States supported a democratic government.