She founded the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in 1919, and worked for many years to get the great powers to disarm and conclude peace agreements. Jane Addams worked to help the poor and to stop the use of children as industrial laborers. She ran Hull House in Chicago, a center which helped immigrants in particular. During World War I, she chaired a women's conference for peace held in the Hague in the Netherlands, and tried in vain to get President Woodrow Wilson of the USA to mediate peace between the warring countries. When the USA entered the war instead, Jane Addams spoke out loudly against this. She was consequently stamped a dangerous radical and a danger to US security.
People began to speak in tongues.
Other languages
All the men fought in the crusades
Members of the House of Representatives are chosen every two years. The election period lies in the even year, for example, in 2014, 2016, 2018, and so on.
<h2>Further explanation:</h2>
The legislative bodies in the United States consisted of the house of representatives and the senators. Both groups are commonly known as a congressman.
The differences between both parties lie in the moment of the election, the quota, and also on the requirement.
- Duration of election - The house of representative members is chosen every two years. Meanwhile, Senators are chosen every six years.
- The quota of the position - The number of senators is fixed, which is two senators for every state. The quantity of house of representative members is adjusted with the quota of the states.
- The requirements - The requirement for both positions is different. For example, the house of representatives minimal age is 25. Meanwhile, the senators' minimum age is 30. The senators candidate also have to be the resident of the United States at least nine years. Moreover, the senators should come from and reside in the area of the election.
This explanation is supposed to make clear information about the question related to what the differences between the house of representatives member and senators.
Learn more : </h2>
Some of topics in history that related to this question :
Congress, senators, house of representatives, period, election
Grade: Highschool
Subject: History
Chapter: Legislative body