Enzymes can only fit into the base it was made for.
Anaerobic means with out oxygen

During telophase, membrane-enclosed vesicles derived from the Golgi apparatus migrate to the center of the cell where the metaphase plate used to be and fuse to form a cell plate. Eventually, the growing cell plate fuses with the existing plasma membrane, producing two daughter cells, each with its own plasma membrane.
This might have been the cause of not being exposed to this specific pollen during his years in Chicago. Allergic reactions can develop when the stimuli presented even when its not contagious causes the immune system to trigger and act in a defensive stance. This delayed effect may have been the cause of the sudden expression of the immune system.
One major lab accident was of fire where gases were exposed to heat.
Accidents that occur in the laboratory which lead to some mishappening are known as the lab accidents. The reasons for such accidents may be many like fire, chemical spills, personal injuries and so on. To avoid all this, there should be proper check and focus while working in the lab.
One of the major lab accidents was of the fire when gas was exposed to heat. The chemical involved in this accident was the use of methane. The type of personal protective equipment worn at the time of accident was protective eye-wear and the lab coat and the lab gloves. To avoid such kind of accidents, people in lab should be very careful and it should be made sure that there are proper equipment in case of any mishap.