By assessing your community's needs, you will gain a better understanding of the area you want to serve whether it's an entire city or a small neighborhood. You will learn about the community's resources, engage with community members and potentially develop new community partnerships.
Hi there! :) he answer of your question is D because individual means by yourself.
Worker means I guess you work by your self.
Supervisor is like a boss.
Family is a team. Family sticks together like puzzle pieces.
(Mark as brainliest! :D Thanks!)
Hope I helped! ;)
Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech exhibits an "integrative" rhetorical style that mirrors and maintains King's call for a racially integrated America. Employing the theoretical concepts of voice merging, dynamic spectacle, and the prophetic voice, this essay examines how text and context converge to form a rhetorical moment consonant with the goals of the speech, the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, and the nonviolent direct-action civil rights movement.
AnsweA: The dog barked at me when I was try to catch the bus
Explain the answer: