D. Algorithms of simple problems are readily available for reference.
Hope this helps you! Ask me anything if you have any quistions!
Opacity is the extent to which something blocks light. You can change the opacity of layers, filters, and effects so that more (or less) of the underlying image shows through.
// Variable to keep track of array size
int length = 0;
// Array itself
int array[] = {};
// while loop will take input in the array until a negative number is entered
stdin = new Scanner(;
array[length] = stdin;
length +=1;
// int variable to terminate while loop
int i =0;
// keep track of index of output array
int y =0;
while(arr[i] != length){
// making output array
int output[]={}; bool flag;
// put the element in out put array considering if it the desired one
output[y] = array [i];
// Now check if it was the desired?
for(int z=1;z<=length;z++){
flag = true;
if(array[i+z+1]=output[y] && flag == true){
output[y] = array[i];
//output the array
for(int o=0;o<y;o++)
a. Router
The device that provides emails to the laptop would be the Router. This device is basically the intermediary between your personal computer and the vast internet. It basically decides what information is safe enough to allow into your computer, as well as what the fastest path for the data to travel is. When emails are sent to your address the router allows you to access that information by connecting you to the correct pathways through the internet so that you can view those emails.