A. Motherboard has failed.
C. Processor has gone bad or is not seated properly.
The computer system is a digital or electronic device, which comprises of an input device, output device, memory and storage device and a processor, all controlled by a software interface known as the operating system.
The hardware and software components are all integrated on a printed board known as a motherboard.
When the motherboard is faulty, the system looses it functionality and the screen stays off but the power supply indicator light stays on. This is also the same for the processor.
online help and user forums iam not sure of this amswer maybe
The sheave wheel is a pulley wheel that sits above the mine shaft. The hoist cable passes over the sheave wheel and then down the shaft of the mine.
(copied from google)
struct node{
student data;
node* next;
The above written is the segment of code is the structure of node of the linked list.The data of the node is type student.So the data of the node of the linked list will consist of the student details and the next is the pointer which holds the address of the next node.