I would say that the line which implies the author thinks Helen's behavior is going to hurt Helen herself is Don't cut your fingers with the edge / Of your keen wit
Because her mind and behavior are going to hurt her, or rather make her hurt herself.
C. irrelevant means of topic, doesn’t make sense with what’s going on, not useful
Prediction means the ability to predict about some unseen event. Predictive also means the same hence predictive is the same thing as prediction
it stops kids from expressing themselvs thru clothing u can tell who a person is just by how they dress and its fun to dress up altho it is easy to just wear the uniform and go bc u dont have to worry about wearing the same thing blah blah bhla but still kids are kids and they need to express them selves in a way :)
You can use the (Unique) constraint to compare one column against another column. Hope I got it right.