sepoy munity is also known as the first war where independence started in india, when british rule inida from 1857 to 1859.
the purpose of checks and balances was to to ensure that no one branch of government gets too powerful
<span>Ida B Wells used a strategy we would today called "data journalism" in her anti-lynching campaign. She traveled through the south keeping records of all the lynchings that occured and the reasons for them. She then put this together in her book "A Red Record: Tabulated Statistics and Alleged Causes of Lynchings In the United States" establishing several arguments of how lynchings were used to control African Americans.</span>
The depression originated in the United States, after a fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929, and became worldwide news with the stock market crash of October 29, 1929 (known as Black Tuesday). Between 1929 and 1932, worldwide GDP fell by an estimated 15%. By comparison, worldwide GDP fell by less than 1% from 2008 to 2009 during the Great Recession. Some economies started to recover by the mid-1930s. However, in many countries, the negative effects of the Great Depression lasted until the beginning of World War II.